
Preparing your yard marker

Thank you for participating in the Underwater HOA project. By participating, you’re helping create awareness about the impact of sea level rise. This is how to participate: 

Step 1: Find your elevation: — Insert your home address and write down the number you find for your property elevation.

Step 2: Instead of throwing out your political (or any other kind of) yard sign, reuse it. Paint it white (the color of the Antarctic glaciers). 

Step 3: Paint your elevation number on the right side of the sign and a squiggly line beneath it in blue to represent the rising seas.  (The number on your Marker depicts how many feet of melting glacier water needs to rise before your property is under water.)

Step 4: Place the sign in your front yard and take a photo of it.  

Step 5: Post your photo on social media, tag us @xcortada and use the hashtag #UnderwaterHOA. 

Step 7:  Tell your neighbor to do the same.  Learn together and work together to address sea-level rise.  

Get involved with us and join the Underwater Homeowners Association! Click here to learn about meetings.


Download your virtual elevation marker

As a way to help spread awareness and spark conversations about sea level rise and climate change, you can download an Underwater HOA sea level marker as a background image for Zoom meetings, your desktop, or to share on your social media networks. To find out your sea level elevation and choose your marker image, visit the Eyes on the Rise app website, type in your address, and then click here to select the appropriate marker.

Find Your Elevation

Enter your address to find out your elevation above sea level.